Karakteristik Performa Generator Oxyhydrogen Tipe Dry Cell dengan Penambahan Katalis Kalium Hidroksida

  • Sulkan Efendi Prodi Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5646-0722
  • Rif’ah Amalia Prodi Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Radina Anggun Nurisma Prodi Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: oxyhydrogen generator, dry cell, electric power, gas production, efficiency


The declining petroleum production in Indonesia requires the alternative of
renewable energy and be more eco- friendly, so it needs more flexible alternative energy. One
of them is the energy gained from oxyhydrogen gas (Brown Gas). Oxyhydrogen gas can be
obtained by breaking down the water molecule (H2O) with the help of electrical energy or
commonly called an electrolisys process. In this study, used oxyhydrogen dry cell generators
type with 316L stainless steel electrode material consisting of 6 cells with the variation of the
KOH catalysts 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 grams per 1 liter aquadest. The characteristics of the
oxyhydrogen generator performance testing are obtained, power consumption, oxyhydrogen gas
production rate, and oxyhydrogen generator efficiency. From the results of studies that have
been conducted, it is possible to know that increasing the concentration of KOH catalysts leads
to increased power consumption. The highest electrical energy consumption is 38,94 Watt at the
concentration of the KOH catalyst 90 gr/l and the lowest electrical energy consumption is 21,25
Watt at the concentration of the KOH Catalyst 50 gr/l. Then the rate of oxyhydrogen gas
production is increasing with increasingly high concentrations of KOH catalysts. The highest
oxyhydrogen gas production is 9,045e-7 kg/s at the concentration of the 90 gr/l KOH catalyst
and the lowest oxyhydrogen gas production is 4,522e-7 kg/s at the concentration of the KOH
Catalyst 50 gr/L. So the highest oxyhydrogen generator efficiency is 54,76% at the 70 gr/l
concentration of the KOH catalyst.

Author Biography

Sulkan Efendi, Prodi Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya




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