Pengaruh Tinggi Reservoir dan Debit Masukan terhadap Efisiensi Pompa Hidram

  • Muhammad Syariful Hadi D-IV Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Teknik Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Setyo Nugroho D-IV Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Teknik Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Arrad Ghani Safitra D-IV Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Teknik Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Arrad Ghani Safitra D-IV Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Teknik Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: reservoir height, discharge input, D’Aubussion efficiency, hydram pump efficiency


Water is a fundamental human need. One effort to obtain a constant water supply is by pumping
method. The Hydram pump is one of the alternatives that can be used to meet these needs. In
addition to cost-effective, this pump is also very simple in manufacturing, assembling, and
operation. The installation components of the hydram pumps consist of water tanks, input pipes,
output pipes, exhaust valves, sender valves, and air tubes. The workmanship of this final task
will be measured the number of discharge pumping, tapping the exhaust valve, pressure
discharge, D'aubuisson efficiency, and hydram pump efficiency to the height variation of the
reservoir and discharge input. On the workmanship of this final task will be used the hydram
pump with specification: 1-inch input pipe diameter, the output pipe diameter of 0.75 inches, the
diameter of air tube 2 inch, high air tube 0.75 m, and heavy exhaust valve load 0.4 kg.
Variations in working conditions that will be tested on the Hydram pump are high reservoir (1
m, 1.25 m, 1.5 m) and discharge input (10 LPM, 12 LPM, 14 LPM). From the experiments that
have been carried out the highest pumping discharge of 2.1 LPM at an altitude of 1.5 m with an
input discharge of 14 LPM. The large pressure discharge value that occurs during the working
cycle of the hydram pump is directly proportional to the reservoir height. Best hydram pump
performance is obtained at 1.5 m altitude variation with 14 LPM input discharge where the
efficiency of D'aubussion is 44.06% and the efficiency of the Hydram pump 29.91%.

Author Biography

Muhammad Syariful Hadi, D-IV Sistem Pembangkit Energi, Departemen Teknik Mekanika dan Energi, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya





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