Analisis Titik Rawan Kecelakaan Di Ruas Jalan Eltari Ende Kota Ende Kabupaten Ende Di Tinjau Dari Aspek Jalan Berkeselamatan
Ende City is located in East Nusa Tenggara Province, also one of the education cities, where many schools and universities exist, this is one of the reasons for the increasing accident rate in Ende City. Eltari road is a primary collector type road which is an urban road that functions as a link between Simpang lima Ende road, Wirajaya road, and Basuki Rachmat road. This research uses quantitative methods, with data collection for 1 week. Z-Score and Cusum analysis methods. From the data obtained from the Ende Regency Police Traffic Unit from 2018-2022 the incidence of accidents on the Eltari Ende road section was 27 incidents. The objectives taken in this study are to determine the characteristics of the road, find out Blacksite and Blackspot, and how to improve the road section with safety. Based on the observations obtained, the level of service analysis value on the Eltari Ende road section is 0.32 with criterion B, namely stable flow, but the operating speed begins to be limited by traffic conditions. Based on the results of the Z-Score and Cusum analysis methods, it is known that the Eltari Ende road is identified as an accident-prone point seen from the road segment which has a Z-Score value in segment I of 0.182 which is positive 0, the Cusum value in segment I is 10.000 which is positive and 0. Based on the classification, it states that if the Z-Score and Cusum values are positive or 0, it is identified as accident-prone. Proposals in an effort to reduce accidents and improve safety roads, are repairing and adding road complementary facilities, checking, inspecting and monitoring regularly so that traffic conditions remain stable, improving road safety.
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